My name is Danielle Diaz. One of the things I've learned in life, both inside and outside the courtroom, is that it is important to not see others as your enemy. Even though you may see the prosecutor as your enemy, he or she is just trying to do a job. It may be possible that you can get a prosecutor or the judge to be sympathetic and get him or her on your side. In order to accomplish this, you need to understand the law. I feel that most individuals do not understand the law, which is why I was motivated to create this blog.
13 August 2019
If you are involved in an accident of some sort that results in injuries that were someone else's fault, it might be smart to hire a personal injury lawyer. If you are going to hire a personal injury lawyer, it is best to hire one as soon as you can after your accident rather than waiting around. This is probably going to be the best course of action for these reasons and more.
11 July 2019
Most people know that a criminal law defense attorney serves a vital role in the justice system. Until you are arrested and accused of a crime you did not commit, however, it can be difficult to visualize exactly what the attorney can do for you. To take a tour of not only the criminal process happening prior to a trial but how your criminal defense attorney works for you at each juncture, read on.
31 May 2019
Getting a job for the first time as a young adult is often a great achievement that creates a feeling of independence. It isn't uncommon for a graduate fresh out of high school to apply for jobs working in restaurants or take on other entry-level positions. One of the downfalls of working at a young age is that some employers will try to take advantage of you by scheduling hours that are not paid in full.
30 April 2019
Motorcycle accidents can cause serious damage, sometimes to the degree that you are permanently disabled. Motorcyclists are expected to follow the same rules of the road as those driving cars. If you are in an accident as a motorcyclist, your first step is to get help for your injuries. Once you know the extent of your injuries and how long you might be out of work, it's a good idea to meet with a personal injury attorney.
29 March 2019
Life is not always a matter of knowing what to do. Rather, it's a matter of knowing the things you should avoid doing, such as things that can create problems for you or make matters worse than they already are. This applies to a traffic accident as well. The following are a few important things to avoid doing if you are injured in an auto accident. Don't drive away if you are injured