Get The Prosecutor On Your Side
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Get The Prosecutor On Your Side

My name is Danielle Diaz. One of the things I've learned in life, both inside and outside the courtroom, is that it is important to not see others as your enemy. Even though you may see the prosecutor as your enemy, he or she is just trying to do a job. It may be possible that you can get a prosecutor or the judge to be sympathetic and get him or her on your side. In order to accomplish this, you need to understand the law. I feel that most individuals do not understand the law, which is why I was motivated to create this blog.


Get The Prosecutor On Your Side

  • Look Before You Leap: Actions To Take Before Filing For Bankruptcy

    5 August 2016

    Once you've made that big decision to file for chapter 7 bankruptcy, take some time to ensure that you are ready in other ways. You can, and should, do some planning before you file and you are allowed to do so as long as you stay within the bankruptcy laws. You can get far more out of your bankruptcy if you follow the rules, so read on to learn more about actions to take before you file.

  • Why Timing Matters When Filing For Workers' Compensation

    24 July 2016

    For those injured at work, your employer's workers' comp insurance is quite a valuable resource. With this coverage, you can rest at home while still earning a portion of your salary and have your related medical expenses all taken care of. You should know, however, that your ability to get and keep this coverage depends on several time-sensitive events, so read on to learn more about workers' comp-related deadlines. What to do right away.

  • Three Options For Recourse For Victims Of Family Extortion

    6 July 2016

    Extortion is the act of making threats against another person in an attempt to get money or other compensation from them in return for silence. Those who make extortion attempts threaten to reveal potentially damaging information about the target that could destroy the target's relationships and business connections and even cost them their job and livelihood. Many people are afraid to take action in the face of these threats, for fear that their personal information may come back to haunt them.

  • 4 Tips For Handling Social Media During Your Personal Injury Case

    20 June 2016

    When you have been injured and have filed a personal injury case against the party responsible for your accident, they are going to do everything they can to either have your case dismissed or to lower the amount of compensation that you are awarded. One way the opposite party will go about doing this is by gathering evidence from your social media posts. This is why when you're in the middle of dealing with a personal injury case, you should consider these four tips for handling your social media posts:

  • 4 Reasons To Hire An Immigration Attorney

    30 May 2016

    An immigration attorney is someone who is going to help you become a legal citizen, work legally in the country, and more. With the help of an immigration attorney, settling into your new life in the United States can be made much easier. However, if you are at all hesitant to hire an immigration attorney, here are four specific reasons why hiring one is helpful: The Laws are difficult to understand.